[R] grep

Steven T. Yen @tyen @end|ng |rom ntu@edu@tw
Mon Jul 11 03:08:45 CEST 2022

Dear, Below, jj contains character strings starting with “z.” and “x.”. 
I want to grep all that contain either “z.” or “x.”. I had to grep “z.” 
and “x.” separately and then tack the result together. Is there a 
convenient grep option that would grep strings with either “z.” or “x.”. 
Thank you!

 > jj<-names(v$est); jj
  [1] "z.one"     "z.liberal" "z.conserv" "z.dem"     "z.rep" "z.realinc"
  [7] "x.one"     "x.liberal" "x.conserv" "x.dem"     "x.rep" "x.realinc"
[13] "mu1_1"     "mu2_1"     "rho"
 > j1<-grep("z.",jj,value=TRUE); j1
[1] "z.one"     "z.liberal" "z.conserv" "z.dem"     "z.rep" "z.realinc"
 > j2<-grep("x.",jj,value=TRUE); j2
[1] "x.one"     "x.liberal" "x.conserv" "x.dem"     "x.rep" "x.realinc"
 > j<-c(j1,j2); j
  [1] "z.one"     "z.liberal" "z.conserv" "z.dem"     "z.rep" "z.realinc"
  [7] "x.one"     "x.liberal" "x.conserv" "x.dem"     "x.rep" "x.realinc"

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