[R] unused argument(s) (Header = 1) help!

Andreas Noviyanto nov|y@nto @end|ng |rom omeg@re@e@rch@|d
Wed Aug 9 06:30:21 CEST 2023

Dear Daniel,

I was use this script to calculate replicateBE with R software, its 
worked. when i use the same script with similar data (xlsx) i got error 
messages like below, do you have any suggest? thanks anyway
my script:
path.in  <- "Z:/Personil Omega"
path.out <-  path.in
method.A(path.in=path.in, path.out=path.out, file="lans",
          set="01", ext="xlsx", header=1, ola=TRUE)
method.A(path.in=path.in, path.out=path.out, file="lans",
     set="02", ext="xlsx", header=1)
ABE(path.in=path.in, path.out=path.out, file="lans",
     set="01", ext="xlsx", header=1)

ABE(path.in=path.in, path.out=path.out, file="lans",
     set="02", ext="xlsx", header=1)

 > library(replicateBE)
 > path.in  <- "Z:/Personil Omega"
 > path.out <- path.in
 > method.A(path.in=path.in, path.out=path.out, file="lans",
+          set="01", ext="xlsx", header=1, ola=TRUE)
Error in method.A(path.in = path.in, path.out = path.out, file = "lans", 
   unused argument (header = 1)
 > method.A(path.in=path.in, path.out=path.out, file="lans",
+     set="02", ext="xlsx", header=1)
Error in method.A(path.in = path.in, path.out = path.out, file = "lans", 
   unused argument (header = 1)
 > ABE(path.in=path.in, path.out=path.out, file="lans",
+     set="01", ext="xlsx", header=1)
Error in ABE(path.in = path.in, path.out = path.out, file = "lans",  :
   unused argument (header = 1)
 > ABE(path.in=path.in, path.out=path.out, file="lans",
+     set="02", ext="xlsx", header=1)
Error in ABE(path.in = path.in, path.out = path.out, file = "lans",  :
   unused argument (header = 1)

Warm Regards,


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