[R] Reg: ggplot error

Upananda Pani up@n@nd@@p@n| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Jan 11 12:38:20 CET 2023

Dear All,

I am using roptest  function of package "ROptEst" (Kohl and Ruckdeschel
(2019)) to find out the ML, CvM-MD, and the RMX estimator and their
asymptotic confidence intervals. I am assuming 1-5% of erroneous data for
the RMX estimator.

Then I am trying to Plot the data in the form of a histogram and add the
three Gamma distribution densities with the estimated parameters and
validate the three models additionally with pp- and qq-plots.

I have tried to code it. I have attached the code and data. I am getting
error while fitting ggplot to plot the distribution densities.

I am doing some error which I am not able to correct. Please help me to
find out my error.

With sincere regards,
Upananda Pani

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