[R] [R-pkgs] New CRAN package announcement: azlogr

Vivek Atal via R-packages r-p@ck@ge@ @end|ng |rom r-project@org
Wed Jan 11 19:41:56 CET 2023

I am excited to announce that `azlogr` is published on CRAN!
This package enables logging in 'R' by extending the functionality of 'logger' package. There is an option to add additional custom meta-data while logging, which can sometimes be helpful. Logging messages are displayed on console and optionally they are sent to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace in real-time.
The package comes with a vignette, How to use azlogr, that (hopefully) provides a good introduction to using the functions for easy logging. Example usage below:
# Azure Log Analytics workspace id and shared key are fetched
# from environment variables.
Sys.setenv(AZ_LOG_ID = "<enter-your-Azure-Log-Analytics-workspace-id>")
Sys.setenv(AZ_LOG_KEY = "<enter-your-Azure-Log-Analytics-shared-key>")


# Optionally, add additional meta-data, `country` and `id`, to be collected
# while logging, on top of the default fields - 'level', 'time', 'msg'.
  log_fields = c("level", "time", "msg"),
  additional_fields = list(country = "in", id = 123)

# Use logger_* functions with appropriate logging level to log.
# If POST is successful, then it will be available in custom log table on
# Azure Log Analytics, by default table name will be `log_from_r`_CL (_CL is
# added by Azure for any custom log table)
logger_info("log info sent to Azure")
#> {"level":"INFO","time":"2023-01-11 13:15:04","msg":"log info sent to Azure","country":"in","id":123}

# If the POST request is unsuccessful due to Azure credential issue, then log
# message is displayed on console and a warning is generated with error details.
logger_info("log info sent to Azure")
#> {"level":"INFO","time":"2023-01-11 13:15:04","msg":"log info sent to Azure","country":"in","id":123}
#> Warning message:
#> In logger_level(logger::INFO, ...) :
#>   Some error happened while sending POST request to 'Azure Log Analytics' workspace.
#> Error message: Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
#>   Could not resolve host: abcd.ods.opinsights.azure.com
Many thanks to the author of 'logger' package, and to the CRAN team for a speedy onboarding!

RegardsVivek Atal
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