[R] Plotrix pyramid plot: request for a little help

Jim Lemon drj|m|emon @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Jun 7 06:31:38 CEST 2023

Hi Mohsin,
I must  have hit the wrong key and sent the last email. The last
paragraph should read:

To answer your question, I used the "laxlab" and "raxlab" arguments. I
also extended them to 0-200 to cover the range of the largest counts.
You can use 0-150 for both, but it is not a good idea to request
different labels, as the plot won't be correct. I added
the unit="Count", which you can delete if you don't want it. I think
it's a good idea to let the viewer know what the units are.

I have also attached an image which didn't get into the last email.


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