[R] Rtools and things dependent on it

@vi@e@gross m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com @vi@e@gross m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com
Fri Feb 23 23:34:12 CET 2024

This may be a dumb question and the answer may make me feel dumber.
I have had trouble for years with R packages wanting Rtools on my machine
and not being able to use it. Many packages are fine as binaries are
available. I have loaded Rtools and probably need to change my PATH or
But I recently suggested to someone that they might want to use the tabyl()
function in the janitor package that I find helpful. I get a warning when I
install it about Rtools but it works fine. When they install it, it fails. I
assumed they would get it from CRAN the same way I did as we are both using
Windows and from within RSTUDIO.
In the past, I have run into other packages I could not use and just moved
on but it seems like time to see if this global problem has a work-around.
And, in particular, I have the latest versions of both R and RSTUDIO which
can be a problem when other things are not as up-to-date.
Or, maybe some people with R packages could be convinced to make binaries
available in the first place?

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