[BioC] marrayInput problems following fresh 1.2 install

Barry Henderson barry.henderson at ribonomics.com
Thu Jun 19 09:15:40 MEST 2003

I just installed R 1.71 and BioC to 1.2.  Under this configuration BioC
fails to to read in data/sample info.  If I take the same code and try
it with my previous installation (R 1.62 and BioC v1.1).  I've looked at
the traceback output but can't make any sense of it.  Any suggestions?
Has anything changed with marrayInfo, classes or the way R is handling
paths under windows?  I haven't been able to locate changes in the
vignetes or help pages.  Code and traceback output below from the new
installation is below.
> exp <- "complete"
> datadir <- paste("C:\\Array Data\\tox\\", exp, sep="")
> setwd(datadir)
> library(marrayInput)
> exp.layout <- read.marrayLayout(fname=file.path(datadir, "genes.txt"),
ngr= 4, ngc = 4, nsr = 12, nsc = 14, skip=0, ctl.col= 6)
> ctl <- rep("Control", maNspots(exp.layout))
> ctl[maControls(exp.layout) != "Control"] <- "normal"
> maControls(exp.layout) <- factor(ctl)
> #Load Sample data from samples.txt
> exp.samples <- read.marrayInfo(file.path(datadir, "samples.txt"), sep
= "\t")
Error in validObject(.Object) : Invalid "marrayInfo" object: Invalid
object for slot "maInfo" in class "marrayInfo": got class "NULL", should
be or extend class "data.frame"
> traceback()
6: stop(paste("Invalid \"", Class, "\" object: ", errors, sep = ""))
5: validObject(.Object)
4: initialize(value, ...)
3: initialize(value, ...)
2: new("marrayInfo", maNotes = notes)
1: read.marrayInfo(file.path(datadir, "samples.txt"), sep = "   ")

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