[BioC] Recent changes to Bioconductor packages

madman at jimmy.harvard.edu madman at jimmy.harvard.edu
Sat May 10 06:00:02 MEST 2003

This is an automated message sent out weekly to report recent changes
to Bioconductor packages.  Please see the URL 
http://www.bioconductor.org/changelog.html for a complete history.
May 9 2003: Rgraphviz - Finalizers were being called on the graphviz
     pointer prematurely.  Fixed this, but the negative is that there
     is now a bit of a memory leak.  Still working on that.  JG

May 7 2003: limma - imported version 1.0.4 - basically a file 
     permission change.

May 6 2003: affy - The large datasets moved to a new (and *required*)
     package 'aFfYDaTA' (erh, I meant 'affydata'). 
     The version number is still increasing as we fix minor things... LG
May 5 2003: getBioC - If no destdir is supplied, instead of assuming
     .libPaths()[1], it will present the user with a menu of choices
     for installation directories if there is more then one directory
     in .libPaths().  JG

May 4 2003: limma - imported version 1.0.3 - New function printorder.
     Correct typo in DESCRIPTION.  Alias for merge method to reflect
     dispatching on two arguments.

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