[BioC] error in annaffy

marlena.maziarz at utoronto.ca marlena.maziarz at utoronto.ca
Thu Feb 5 21:34:01 MET 2004


I installed R1.8.1, ran getBioC.R for bioC version 1.3. Then I
downloaded the annotation packages 2 affy chips that I'm using 
(mgu74av2 and moe430a - build 1.8.0), and successfully installed 
them from the R menu (packages -> install packages from local zip files).

When I tried to create an annotation table for my gene list
I got the following error (for mgu74av2 and moe430a probe lists

Error in exists(num, GOBPID2TERM) : Object "GOBPID2TERM" not found


Error in if (!is.na(go[1])) { : argument is of length zero
In addition: Warning message: 
is.na() applied to non-(list or vector) in: is.na(go[1]) 

here is a full diary of what I did:
> library(annaffy)
> anncols <- aaf.handler()[c(1:3,12)]
> p <- scan('tempMGU74av2.txt', "") 
Read 183 items
> anntable <- aafTableAnn(p, "mgu74av2", anncols)
Loading required package: mgu74av2 
Error in exists(num, GOBPID2TERM) : Object "GOBPID2TERM" not found
> p <- scan('tempMOE430a.txt', "")
Read 79 items
> anntable <- aafTableAnn(p, "moe430a", anncols)
Loading required package: moe430a 
Error in if (!is.na(go[1])) { : argument is of length zero
In addition: Warning message: 
is.na() applied to non-(list or vector) in: is.na(go[1]) 

The error message is different for each chip type, but I suspect 
it's related to the same problem.

Also, this worked perfectly fine for the mgu74av2 package (build 1.7.0) in
R1.7.1, so I'm wondering whether this may be related to some
incompatibility with R1.8.1, or is it simply an error on my part.  

In any case, any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.


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