[BioC] Mapping 10k chip

Glenn Stone Glenn.Stone at csiro.au
Thu Jun 3 03:38:54 CEST 2004

Hello all,

I've managed to build a cdf env so that I can read the CEL files for the 
mapping 10k chip. Using bioconductor 1.4 in R 1.9.0 the pm and mm 
functions no longer return the probe ids as names. I can get the probe 
names using probeNames and the pm and mm allows me to get the 
match/mismatch data.

Does anyone know how I can get the sense/antisense and the offset 
information for each probe? Ive looked in the CDF file and I can't 
decipher most of it.

Glenn Stone
Leader, Bioinformatics for Human Health

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