[BioC] limmaGUI & affylmGUI new features/fixes

James Wettenhall wettenhall at wehi.edu.au
Fri Jun 11 08:27:04 CEST 2004


Hopefully within a few days, you will see limmaGUI 1.1.0 and 
affylmGUI 1.1.0 on BioC devel.  For now, they are at:

They can be installed with:




New Features/Fixes in both GUIs
- Recent files now displayed in File menu (only works if you 
    install the limmaGUI/affylmGUI package somwhere where you 
    have write-permission, as the recent files are stored in 
    limmaGUI/etc or affylmGUI/etc.)
- Directory separators are now displayed as back-slashes for
    Windows users, but they are still stored internally as
- Plot titles are now done with title() instead of main= to
    avoid warnings (from using non-standard plotting 
    techniques like tkrplot and HTMLplot.)
- Inconsistent font fixed in entry-box in choose-directory

New Features in limmaGUI
- Robust linear model fits now available as an alternative to 
    the usual least-squares linear model fit.
- An "Other" button has been added to the 
    Image-Analysis-File-Format dialog to allow a user to 
    manually enter column-headings for Red/Green Foreground and
    Background intensities for unsupported Image-Analysis file

New Features in affylmGUI
- A new worked example with screenshots:  A Malaria Life-Cycle 
    Study from Elizabeth Winzeler's lab at 
    The Scripps Institute
- Fixed a bug in the "Cancel" button of the choose-directory 

More New Features Coming Soon
- Novice/Advanced modes for the GUIs, so that in Novice mode,
    many of the recommended default options will be chosen
    automatically, rather than asking the user every possible 
    question regarding background-correction method, 
    normalization method, etc.
- Option to choose between tkrplot and the regular R graphics
    device for all plots.
- Updated R-for-windows installation wizards for  
    limmaGUI and affylmGUI
- Any necessary bug fixes

James Wettenhall                                  Tel: (+61 3) 9345 2629
Division of Genetics and Bioinformatics           Fax: (+61 3) 9347 0852
The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute         E-mail: wettenhall at wehi.edu.au
 of Medical Research,                     Mobile: (+61 / 0 ) 438 527 921    
1G Royal Parade,
Parkville, Vic 3050, Australia

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