[BioC] decideTests

Jason Skelton jps at sanger.ac.uk
Wed Nov 3 17:37:22 CET 2004

Hi All

Trying to use decideTests (for the first time)
the following command works fine with classify tests

CLASTEST <- classifyTestsP(EB$t, df=Inf, p.value=0.2, method="fdr")

but the same objects either EB$t or FIT(MAarryLM) don't appear to work 
at all

DT <- decideTests(EB$t, p.value=0.2, method="separate", adjust.method="fdr")

Error in decideTests(nwaKarinaKoopEB$t, p.value = 0.2, method = 
"separate",  :
        Need MArrayLM object

DT <- decideTests(FIT, p.value=0.2, method="separate", adjust.method="fdr")

Error in array(x, c(length(x), 1), if (!is.null(names(x))) list(names(x),  :
        attempt to set an attribute on NULL

In both classifyTests and decideTest the object being specified is 
described as:

|object| 	numeric matrix of t-statistics or an |MArrayLM| object from 
which the t-statistics may be extracted.

any ideas ?

R 2.0
limma 1.8.6


Jason Skelton
Pathogen Microarrays
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
CB10 1SA

Tel +44(0)1223 834244 Ext 7123
Fax +44(0)1223 494919

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