[BioC] how to get the normalized genes expression values with vsn

diego huck diegolugro at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Jun 1 09:27:50 CEST 2005


I normalized a data.frame with genes in rows and conditions in columns 
with vsn

genormalized <- vsn(ge)

latter I tried to get the normalized values with the following command 
but I didn't get the result I need



furthermore I would like to save the normalized expression data in a 
text file

I am  tried

write.table(genormalized, file= "genormalized.txt", sep="\t")

the file was like

"exprs"	"genenames"
"1"	 4.13499853	"1"
"2"	 3.88214458	"2"
"3"	 5.84832486	"3"
"4"	 5.72530643	"4"
"5"	 5.61469995	"5"
"6"	 5.24160113	"6"
"7"	 6.23749504	"7"
"8"	 5.10511033	"8"
"9"	 7.07843853	"9"
"10"	 5.89613219	"10"
"11"	 4.43254412	"11"
"12"	 4.90566019	"12"
"13"	 6.99090268	"13"
"14"	 7.61601114	"14"
"15"	 6.21445251	"15"
"16"	 6.15866330	"16"

how can I do to obtain the data in format that i want, like a data.frame 

or a matrix

best regards


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