[BioC] Problems installing Bioconductor

Sean Davis sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Tue Aug 22 17:23:26 CEST 2006

On 8/22/06 11:15 AM, "Saurav Pathak" <saurav at sas.upenn.edu> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Thanks for this wonderful set of packages and putting it under open
> source. 
> Unfortunately I am having trouble installing some of the packages that
> come with it.  The packages are: 'affyio',  'affy',  'genefilter',
> 'gcrma', and 'affyPLM'.  This is the list after attempting to install
> using biocLite() with the default options.


It is good to hear that you are joining the community.  In order to be
helpful, you will probably need to be specific about the problems that you
are having (perhaps by cutting-and-pasting some of the output of the install
process).  Also, pretty much every post asking for help on this list
benefits from pasting in the output of the command:


which tells the readers here what packages are loaded, their versions, and
specifics of the version of R, all important pieces of information.


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