[BioC] Problems with gcrma using latest version of R and Bioconductor

Sebastian Bauer Sebastian.Bauer at charite.de
Wed Jul 25 14:34:51 CEST 2007


I have some problems with the gcrma normalization procedure. Please look 
at the output:


 > Chips.norm<-gcrma(Chips.raw)
Adjusting for optical effect............................Done.
Computing affinities.Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable 
"mouse4302dim" was not found
 > traceback()
9: get(nam)
8: get("NROW", get(nam))
7: xy2indices(p$x, p$y, cdf = cdfpackagename)
6: inherits(x, "factor")
5: is.factor(x)
4: match(xy2indices(p$x, p$y, cdf = cdfpackagename), pmIndex)
3: compute.affinities(cdfName(object), verbose = verbose)
2: bg.adjust.gcrma(object, affinity.info = affinity.info, 
affinity.source = affinity.source,
        NCprobe = NCprobe, type = type, k = k, stretch = stretch,
        correction = correction, GSB.adjust = GSB.adjust, rho = rho,
        optical.correct = optical.correct, verbose = verbose, fast = fast)
1: gcrma(Chips.raw)


I'm using R Version 2.5.1 and Bioconductor 2.0. I've reinstalled all 
needed packages, but I noticed no difference in the behavior. The same 
procedure worked with previous versions of R and Bioconductor though. 
It's possible to circumvent the problem?

On reply, please CC me as I'm not subscribed to the list.

Thanks in advance!


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