[BioC] quantile robust and RMA in xps

cstrato cstrato at aon.at
Fri May 29 15:54:36 CEST 2009

Dear Mayte,

Yes, your CEL-files were modified as is clearly stated in the help file 
"?intensity<-" of the modified replacement function "intensity<-":

"Warning: Do not use replacement method intensity<- until you really 
know what you are doing!

Note: If you do not want to replace your current object, create first a 
copy of type DataTreeSet by simply writing newobj <- oldobj, and use 
newobj for replacement. This is important since intensity<- does also 
update slots rootfile, filedir and treenames when a new filename was chosen.

Warning: The CEL-files created WILL REPLACE THE ORIGINAL CEL-files, if 
they have identical names to the original CEL-files and the original 
CEL-files are located in the working directory. Thus the original 
CEL-files should preferable be located in directory celdir of function 

To my knowledge microarray facilities usually store all CEL-files 
created in a common place and people either copy the CEL-files of 
interest to their working directories or they create links to the 
original CEL-files.

When importing CEL-files into ROOT using function "import.data()" even 
this is not necessary, as the help file "?import.data" says:

"To import CEL-files from different directories, vector celfiles must 
contain the full path for each CEL-file and celdir must be celdir=NULL."

At the moment I can only apologize and ask people starting to use xps to 
read the corresponding help files, especially when using advanced 
features. For this reason I mention often the corresponding help files 
in my replies to questions, as I did in my original reply to your question.

Best regards

Mayte Suarez Farinas wrote:
>> Dear Mayte,
>> Thank you for sending me your code. I have just run your code using the 
>> Affymetrix breast, heart, prostate HuGene data, and everything is ok, 
>> including the final boxplot. However, the results are slightly different 
>> when I replace "normalize.quantiles()" from package preProcessCore with 
>> "normalize.quantiles()" from xps. Furthermore I have found two potential 
>> problems in your code:
>> 1, To simulate the removal of chips as output from 
>> "normalize.quantiles.robust()" I have deleted one column. Thus I also 
>> needed to delete the corresponding column name.  Since you have set 
>> "n.remove=5", up to 5 columns may be removed, so you would need to 
>> remove these column names manually.
> I do not want to remove those chips from the output. the remove option on 
> normalize.quantiles.robust do not remove the columns per se, it only uses the 
> remaining chips to calculate the reference distribution to which all the chips 
> (including the 'removed') are normalized. This step produces a matrix with the same 
> number of columns as the original. I don't want to removed those chips, only not to 
> include them in the estimation of the reference distribution (if I include them the 
> reference distribution has utterly low range and I want to avoid to delete those 
> chips, their qc is not that bad)
>> 2, Since you store your original CEL-files in your working directory,  
>> replacement function "intensity<-" did replace your original CEL-files 
>> with the background corrected CEL-files of the same name. There are two 
>> ways to prevent this. The best way is to store the original CEL-files in 
>> another directory, e.g. in "raw".  The second possibility is to use 
>> parameter "celnames" of function "import.data()" to rename the imported 
>> CEL-files.
> Do you mean that my CEL files were changed?. they are not more the raw data ? 
> Oh Oh! I was not aware of that. Oh my! I hope that the facility kept a copy of my 
> CEL files otherwise I am in deep  trouble!
>> A third problem may be that function "normalize.quantiles.robust()" 
>> re-orders the matrix, so that the (x,y)-coordinates are no longer 
>> correct. Although this should not be the case I cannot exclude this 
>> possibility.
> Maybe Bolstad can answer this...
>> Here is the complete code that I used for testing.
>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> ### new R session: load library xps
>> library(xps)
>> scmdir <- "/Volumes/GigaDrive/CRAN/Workspaces/Schemes"
>> scheme.hugene10stv1r4 <- root.scheme(paste(scmdir, 
>> "Scheme_HuGene10stv1r4_na28.root",sep = "/"))
>> celfiles <- c("Breast_01.CEL", "Breast_02.CEL", "Breast_03.CEL", 
>> "Heart_01.CEL", "Heart_02.CEL", "Heart_03.CEL", "Prostate_01.CEL", 
>> "Prostate_02.CEL", "Prostate_03.CEL")
>> G1ST_data2<-import.data(scheme.hugene10stv1r4, 
>> "Pamela_NOMID_dataxps_162021", celdir=getwd(), celfiles=celfiles, 
>> verbose=TRUE)
>> ## RMA background
>> data.bg.rma <- 
>> bgcorrect(G1ST_data2,"tmp_bg",method="rma",exonlevel="core+affx", 
>> select="antigenomic", option="pmonly:epanechnikov",params=c(16384))
>> # get intensities
>> data.bg.rma<-attachInten(data.bg.rma)
>> data.int<-intensity(data.bg.rma)
>> # normalize with affy functions
>> detach(package:xps)
>> library(preprocessCore)
>> data.int.norm<-normalize.quantiles.robust(as.matrix(data.int[,-
> c(1,2)]),n.remove=2,remove.extreme='both')
>> # manually remove one chip
>> data.int.norm <- data.int.norm[,-4]
>> # replace intensity slot
>> library(xps)
>> aaa<-as.data.frame(cbind(data.int[,c(1,2)],data.int.norm))
>> # Problem: need to remove colname of chip which was removed
>> colnames(aaa)<-colnames(data.int)[-6]
>> intensity(data.bg.rma, "tmp_int2", verbose=TRUE) <- aaa
>> # Problem: does overwrite original CEL-files
>> boxplot(data.bg.rma) #boxplot is OK
>> ## summarize medianpolish
>> setName(data.bg.rma) <- "DataSet"
>> data.mp.rma <- 
>> summarize.rma(data.bg.rma,"tmp_sum_rma",exonlevel="core+affx")
>> boxplot(data.mp.rma)
>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> Best regards
>> Christian
>> Mayte Suarez-Farinas wrote:
>>>> Dear Christian,
>>> I am sorry I need to bother you gain !
>>> Everything worked fine with the background correction, the quantile 
>>> normalization and the substitution 
>>> using function "intensity()<-". When I do the boxplot after this, teh 
>>> data is normalized. Then when I use summarize.rma,
>>> after that the data is not normalized anymore.
>>> intensity(data.bg.rma, "tmp_int2", verbose=TRUE) <- data.int.norm
>>> boxplot(data.bg.rma)                          ## Boxplot is perfect!
>>> setName(data.bg.rma) <- "DataSet"
>>> data.mp.rma <- 
>>> summarize.rma(data.bg.rma,"tmp_sum_rma",exonlevel="core+affx")
>>> boxplot(data.mp.rma)                                                   
>>>   #Boxplot is NOT ok
>>> any hint?
>>> Best
>>> Mayte
>>>> The new replacement method "intensity()<-" has an option to create a 
>>>> new ROOT file (see?intensity), thus you need to do:
>>>> library(xps)
>>>> str(data.int)
>>>> data.int.norm <- as.data.frame(cbind(data.int[,c(1,2)],data.int.norm))
>>>> Here you see that I added the (x,y) coordinates, but it is up to you 
>>>> to make sure that the order is correct.
>>>> I am using cbind() to prevent cycling of the samples, which is what I 
>>>> get when using "data.int[,-c(1,2)]".
>>>> Now I can use the replacement method:
>>>> intensity(data.bg.rma, "tmp_int2", verbose=TRUE) <- data.int.norm
>>>> str(data.bg.rma)
>>>> boxplot(data.bg.rma) #boxplot is OK
>>>> Please note that this will take some time since the 
>>>> background-corrected intensities will first be saved as CEL-files 
>>>> which are then imported into the new ROOT file "tmp_int2_cel.root".
>>>> Now you can summarize the data using xps, but you need to replace the 
>>>> setname first:
>>>> setName(data.bg.rma) <- "DataSet"
>>>> data.mp.rma <- summarize.rma(data.bg.rma, "tmp_sum_rma", 
>>>> exonlevel="core+affx")
>>>> boxplot(data.mp.rma) #boxplot is now OK.
>>>> I hope this helps.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Christian
> ---------End of Included Message----------
> Mayte Suarez Farinas
> Research Associate
> The Rockefeller University Hospital
> 1230 York Avenue, Box 178
> New York, NY 10021
> (212) 327-8213 - phone
> (212) 327-7422 - fax
> farinam at rockefeller.edu

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