[BioC] GO enrichement and Ensembl ID

Jarek Bryk bryk at evolbio.mpg.de
Sun May 15 10:38:16 CEST 2011

On 12/05/2011 19:38, mjonczyk at biol.uw.edu.pl wrote:
> you can use ontologizer (java application, not in bioconductor).
> http://compbio.charite.de/index.php/cmdlineOntologizer.html

Or you can use web-based GeneTrail http://genetrail.bioinf.uni-sb.de/ 
(no need to prepare an association file). It accepts Ensembl IDs out of 
the box, and does GO, KEGG, miRNA, gene location and couple more, with 
hypergeometric test that is corrected for multiple testing. One thing it 
doesn't do is let you specify which branch of GO categories you want to 
test (it does them all).


   Jarek Bryk | www.evolbio.mpg.de/~bryk
   Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
   August Thienemann Str. 2 | 24306 Plön, Germany
   tel. +49 4522 763 287 | bryk at evolbio.mpg.de

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