[BioC] DEXSeq error: Count files do not correspond to the flattened annotation file

Darwin Sorento Dichmann dichmann at berkeley.edu
Fri May 24 20:59:37 CEST 2013


I created the count files using dexseq_count.py according to the instructions. However, when I attempt to create ExonCountSets using read.HTSeqCounts I get the following error:
Error in read.HTSeqCounts(countfiles = file.path(inDir, countfiles), design = tra2bdata,  : 
  Count files do not correspond to the flattened annotation file
I *know* that the ecs files corresponds to the flat GFF and I have rerun that step thrice. So, I assume that the error message is really about something else and I would appreciate any help at getting to it. 

FWIW, DEXSeq works on the same data set, but with a slightly different flat GFF (the one that gives me trouble have been changed the gene names). The GFF is flattened from a Cufflinks GTF. 

This is the minimal code that reproduce the error:
# R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) -- "Trick or Treat"
# Load DEXSeq and setwd.

# Create data frame of tra2b experimental setup:
sampleID <- c("CTR1","CTR2","CTR3","TRA1","TRA2","TRA3")
condition <-c(rep("uninjected", 3), rep("tra2bMO2", 3))
type <- c(rep("paired-end", 6))
stage<- c(rep("14", 6))
tra2bdata <- data.frame(condition, type, stage, row.names = sampleID)

# Put paths to files into variables.
inDir <- file.path("~/Dropbox/DEXSeq_tra2b_Named/") # Directory to files.
countfiles <- list.files(inDir, pattern = ".txt") # Path to exon count files from HT-Seq.
annotationTra <- file.path( "~/Dropbox/DEXSeq_tra2b_Named/flat_frog_q1_fixed_v2.gff") 

# Create the ExonCountSet. This is where things go wrong.
traExons <- read.HTSeqCounts(countfiles = file.path(inDir, countfiles), 
                                   design = tra2bdata,
                                   flattenedfile = annotationTra)
Error in read.HTSeqCounts(countfiles = file.path(inDir, countfiles), design = tra2bdata,  : 
  Count files do not correspond to the flattened annotation file

Any help is greatly appreciated. 
Darwin Sorento Dichmann, M.S., PhD
University of California, Berkeley
Harland Lab
Molecular and Cell Biology
571 Life Sciences Addition
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone# (510) 643-7830
E-mail: dichmann at berkeley.edu

Please send Fedex packages to:
163 Life Sciences Addition, attn: Harland lab room 571

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