[Rd] StatDataML

Duncan Temple Lang duncan@research.bell-labs.com
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 11:15:46 -0500 (EST)

Great. Will take a closer look.

Did you take a look at the DTDs in Omegahat - $OMEGA_HOME/XML/DTDs?
There are some things in there that might prove useful. Because
of its reference-oriented style, things like connected/linked observations,
etc. arise more naturally than in S-like languages. 



Duncan Temple Lang                duncan@research.bell-labs.com
Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies    office: (908)582-3217
700 Mountain Avenue, Room 2C-259  fax:    (908)582-3340
Murray Hill, NJ  07974-2070       

      "Languages shape the way we think, and determine what 
       we can think about."        
                                      Benjamin Whorf
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