install.packages() together with pixmap package (PR#2042)
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 18:26:56 +0200 (MET DST)

Full_Name: Wolfgang Huber
Version: 1.5.1
OS: Windoof 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (


Trying to install the binary distribution (zip file) for the "pixmap" package,
as downloaded today from CRAN, I get the following warning "error -1". The
package will not be installed. 
Installation of other packages (e.g. pinktoe, acepack) worked fine. The warning
or error seems to be thrown by .Internal(int.unzip).

I also tried with an external unzip programm, setting: options(unzip="pkunzip").
This eliminates the error message, and install.packages() terminates quietly
without warnings, however also without installing anything (for all of the above

So, possibly the package pixmap is corrupted in some strange way that only
int.unzip sees?

> install.packages("D:/temp/", .libPaths()[1], CRAN = NULL)
updating HTML package descriptions
Warning message: 
error -1 in extracting from zip file 

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