[Rd] 2.1.0a for Macs (PR#7952)

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Fri Jun 17 00:14:30 CEST 2005

On Jun 16, 2005, at 5:30 PM, jbaltzer at oeb.harvard.edu wrote:

> I installed the program about a week ago and immediately I started  
> getting a warning messages particularly when browsing my files  
> using ls(), search(), gc(),

This was fixed in R.app build 1564 and was mentioned several times on  
the Mac list. It is recommended to update your R.app. If you have  
problems with the most recent version (as of today it's build 1596),  
please let us know.

> More recently, R has begun to crash for no particular reason (no  
> large program running).  Often when I then try to restart R 2.1.0a  
> crashes during start up and in order to get it functioning again I  
> have to reinstall!

Can you, please, send us the crash report and/or the console output?  
Without any evidence reports like yours are pretty much useless  
(please read the documentation and FAQ!). Also note that R 2.1.1 will  
be released really soon so it's important to report bugs using R  
2.1.1 beta and not old versions.

> The first time this happened I decided to go back to an earlier  
> version of R that I knew would be stable but following binary  
> compilation no gui is installed on my computer and I can't run the  
> program.

What do you mean by "binary compilation" - if you feel like  
installing an older version all you have to do is to get the 2.1.0  
image and install it. However, I doubt that this will solve any  
problems, but it's completely legal to do so. You can also safely use  
older versions of R.app if you want - 2.1.0 and 2.1.0a are by  
definition binary compatible. R itself didn't change substantially  
between 2.1.0 and 2.1.0a (only a couple of bugs were fixed, most  
notably package installation). What did change was R.app and as I  
already mentioned there are good reasons for using the most recent  

> If you could please advise on how to deal with these problems  
> (particularly the corruption of my system by 2.1.0a)

You didn't mention any system corruption so far - you'll have to  
explain this a bit ...


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