[Rd] Subscripting fails if name of element is "" (PR#8161)

"Jens Oehlschlägel" joehl at gmx.de
Thu Oct 6 18:38:05 CEST 2005

Dear Thomas,

> This looks deliberate (there is a function NonNullStringMatch that does 
> the matching).  I assume this is because there is no other way to 
> indicate that an element has no name.

> If so, it is a documentation bug -- help(names) and FAQ 7.14 should 
> specify this behaviour.  Too late for 2.2.0, unfortunately.

I respectfully disagree: the element has a name, its an empty string. Of
course "" is a doubtful name for an element, but as long as we allow this
name when assigning names()<- we also should handle it like a name in
subscripting. The alternative would be to disallow "" in names at all.
However, both alternatives rather look like code changes, not only

Best regards

Jens Oehlschlägel

Highspeed-Freiheit. Bei GMX supergünstig, z.B. GMX DSL_Cityflat,

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