[Rd] Browser problem, Misrepresentation of .html in Solaris Firefox (PR#8471)

christian.hoffmann@wsl.ch christian.hoffmann at wsl.ch
Wed Jan 11 09:30:52 CET 2006

Hi there

I hope that I am in the right forum.

I am working on Win2000 PC connected via Exceed to a

SunOS fluke 5.9 Generic_118558-11 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R

There I am using Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 as a browser.

I am having
difficulties viewing .html files. Their first pages are displayed
normally, black on white, links in blue. When I scoll down, the pages
appear black throughout, only links are sticking out. The rest of the
text can only be viewed by selecting it with the mouse, making it
appear white on blue. This makes scrolling and following links *very* 

Files affected:
- R-intro.html
- R-exts.html,
- R-lang.html
- R-admin.html
- R-FAQ.html

Files not affected:
- R-data.html
- packages.html
- SearchEngine.html
- License
- Thanks

Thanks for help
Dr. Christian W. Hoffmann,
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Mathematics + Statistical Computing
Zuercherstrasse 111
CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland

Tel +41-44-7392-277  (office)   -111(exchange)
Fax +41-44-7392-215  (fax)
christian.hoffmann at wsl.ch

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