[Rd] package vignettes, suggests and R CMD check

Peter Ruckdeschel Peter.Ruckdeschel at uni-bayreuth.de
Tue Nov 21 18:30:30 CET 2006

Dear R-devels,

We have encountered a problem concerning a dead lock in the dependency graph:

We have two packages A1 and A2 where A2 extends A1.

We have one package vignette for both packages, but which should be included
into package A1.

So in the "suggests" field of the DESCRIPTION file of A1 we suggest A2
to be able to produce the vignette at build/install time.

On the other hand this means that A2 has to be installed before being
able to check A1, and A1, of course, has to be installed before being
able to check A2.

How can this dead lock be resolved?

Is this a case for a bundle? And can a bundle have its own vignette?

Thanks for listening
Peter, Matthias, Florian, Thomas

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