[Rd] Cannot link mypackage to 2 other packages

hpages at fhcrc.org hpages at fhcrc.org
Thu Aug 7 08:14:22 CEST 2008


I need to link mypackage to 2 other packages so I can call
some C functions defined in these 2 packages from mine.

I've tried
   Depends: packageA, packageB
   LinkingTo: packageA, packageB
as suggested by the "5.4 Registering native routines" section
of the "Writing R Extensions" manual but then only packageA is
seen at compilation time (gcc is called with
-I"/some/path/to/packageA/include" only).

I've also tried
   Depends: packageA, packageB
   LinkingTo: packageA
   LInkingTo: packageB
but this time only packageB is seen at compilation time.

How can I link mypackage to both packageA and packageB?



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