[Rd] Defining environments within functions

Giles Hooker gjh27 at cornell.edu
Thu Aug 28 03:50:58 CEST 2008

How can I define environments within a function so that they are visible
to calls to a sub-function?

I have defined an objective function,

	ProfileErr = function(params,...)

which I would like to optimize using standard routines (optim,
nlminb,....) but which contains auxiliary variables which need to be
updated along with params. No optimization routine in R that I have
found has facilities for this.

Specifically, within ProfileErr, I need to calculate


This a function which requires a further optimization, and I can achieve
significant efficiency gains by starting  where the last optimization
ended, so I would like to keep track of it.

At the command line, I get around this by

	ProfileEnv = new.env()

and within ProfileErr, I can call

	startcoefs = get('coefs',envir=ProfileEnv)
	* do the optimization to get newcoefs *

Then calling


works fine. However, when I try to wrap all of that in its own function

	profile.estimate = fn(pars,...){
		ProfileEnv = new.env()
		res = optim(pars,ProfileErr,....)

ProfileErr no longer sees ProfileEnv. I haven't been able to make much
sense out of the documentation on environments, but is there a way to
make this work? Otherwise I'm back to writing variables out to files.

Many thanks,


Giles Hooker
Assistant Professor:

Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology
Department of Statistical Science
1186 Comstock Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY, 14853

Ph:  (+1 607) 255 1638
Fax: (+1 607) 255 4698

Email:  giles.hooker at cornell.edu

Giles Hooker
Assistant Professor:

Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology
Department of Statistical Science
1186 Comstock Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY, 14853

Ph:  (+1 607) 255 1638
Fax: (+1 607) 255 4698

Email:  giles.hooker at cornell.edu

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