[Rd] Bug in sub and gsub (PR#13460)

banzaleon at gmail.com banzaleon at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 16:10:12 CET 2009

Full_Name: Leon C. Banza
Version: 2.8.1
OS: Windows Vista
Submission from: (NULL) (

I believe there is a serious bug in the code for sub and gsub.  I do as

gsub("\\", "-", "some\\backslashed\\string")

This ought return "some-backslashed-string", but prints warnings instead:

Error in sub("\\", "", "baba\\") : invalid regular expression '\'
In addition: Warning message:
In sub("\\", "", "baba\\") : regcomp error:  'Trailing backslash'

I believe this is a matter of a simple correction in the source code.


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