[Rd] One possible cause for incorrect symbols in X11() output

Jari Oksanen jari.oksanen at oulu.fi
Thu Aug 19 13:15:16 CEST 2010

On 19/08/10 14:04 PM, "Prof Brian Ripley" <ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
 OSX. I can't get fc-match to list it, anyway.
> R's X11(type='cairo') device is using a version of cairographics
> compiled by Simon which includes a static build of fontconfig.  So it
> is not really 'OSX'!  I'm guessing you are using
> /usr/local/bin/fc-match which AFAIK also Simon's.
$ which fc-match

There seems to be no fc-match in /usr/local/bin/ in my Mac, so no Simon's
utilities. (But this is, of course, pretty irrelevant for the main subject,
and it seems that my installation of Ubuntu 10.04 is not affected by the
problem but has quite regular fonts -- no Wine today. Better that I shut

Cheers, Jari Oksanen
> It is also not using pango, and so not selecting fonts the same way as
> on Linux.

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