[Rd] Changed behaviour of 'R CMD INSTALL'

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Wed Jan 11 15:08:25 CET 2012

On 11.01.2012 14:16, Berwin A Turlach wrote:
> G'day all,
> I found the following snippet in the NEWS file for R 2.14.1:
>      • R CMD INSTALL will now do a test load for all sub-architectures
>        for which code was compiled (rather than just the primary
>        sub-architecture).
> This seems to have the following (unintended?) consequence:
> Most of my machines are running some version of 64-bit Ubuntu and I do
> not necessarily have all 32-bit libraries installed on these.  In
> particular, the 32-bit TCL/Tk libraries are frequently missing.  Thus,
> on such a machine the 32-bit sub-architecture of R does not have the
> capability to use TCL/tk and the tcltk package is only installed for the
> primary sub-architecture (64-bit).
> Until now, I could always install the Rcmdr package on these machine.
> However, this is no longer possible in 2.14.1.  Now attempts to install
> Rcmdr on such a machine ends with:
>      ** testing if installed package can be loaded
>      *** arch - 32
>      Error : package 'tcltk' is not installed for 'arch=32'
>      Error: loading failed
>      Execution halted
>      *** arch - 64
>      ERROR: loading failed for '32'
>      * removing '/home/opt/R/R-2.14.1/lib64/R/library/Rcmdr'
> Is there a way of installing Rcmdr only for the 64-bit primary
> sub-architecture?  Or do I really have to install the 32-bit versions
> of the TCL/Tk libraries and then reinstall R from scratch?

Have you read

R CMD INSTALL --help ?

there is, among other, the line:
      --no-multiarch    build only the main architecture

or if you want to build and don't care about loading:
      --no-test-load    skip test of loading installed package

Uwe Ligges

> Cheers,
> 	Berwin
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