[Rd] Reading many large files causes R to crash - Possible Bug in R 2.15.1 64-bit Ubuntu

Joshua Ulrich josh.m.ulrich at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 22:47:22 CEST 2012

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On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 2:54 PM, David Terk <david.terk at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am reading several hundred files.  Anywhere from 50k-400k in size.  It
> appears that when I read these files with R 2.15.1 the process will hang or
> seg fault on the scan() call.  This does not happen on R 2.14.1.
> This is happening on the precise build of Ubuntu.
> I have included everything, but the issue appears to be when performing the
> scan in the method parseTickData.
> Below is the code.  Hopefully this is the right place to post.
> parseTickDataFromDir = function(tickerDir, per, subper, fun) {
>   tickerAbsFilenames = list.files(tickerDir,full.names=T)
>   tickerNames = list.files(tickerDir,full.names=F)
>   tickerNames = gsub("_[a-zA-Z0-9].csv","",tickerNames)
>   pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(tickerAbsFilenames), style = 3)
>   for(i in 1:length(tickerAbsFilenames)) {
>     # Grab Raw Tick Data
>     dat.i = parseTickData(tickerAbsFilenames[i])
>     #Sys.sleep(1)
>     # Create Template
>     dates <- unique(substr(as.character(index(dat.i)), 1,10))
>     times <- rep("09:30:00", length(dates))
>     openDateTimes <- strptime(paste(dates, times), "%F %H:%M:%S")
>     templateTimes <- NULL
>     for (j in 1:length(openDateTimes)) {
>       if (is.null(templateTimes)) {
>         templateTimes <- openDateTimes[j] + 0:23400
>       } else {
>         templateTimes <- c(templateTimes, openDateTimes[j] + 0:23400)
>       }
>     }
>     # Convert templateTimes to XTS, merge with data and convert NA's
>     templateTimes <- as.xts(templateTimes)
>     dat.i <- merge(dat.i, templateTimes, all=T)
>     # If there is no data in the first print, we will have leading NA's.  So
> set them to -1.
>     # Since we do not want these values removed by to.period
>     if (is.na(dat.i[1])) {
>       dat.i[1] <- -1
>     }
>     # Fix remaining NA's
>     dat.i <- na.locf(dat.i)
>     # Convert to desired bucket size
>     dat.i <- to.period(dat.i, period=per, k=subper, name=NULL)
>     # Always use templated index, otherwise merge fails with other symbols
>     index(dat.i) <- index(to.period(templateTimes, period=per, k=subper))
>     # If there was missing data at open, set close to NA
>     valsToChange <- which(dat.i[,"Open"] == -1)
>     if (length(valsToChange) != 0) {
>       dat.i[valsToChange, "Close"] <- NA
>     }
>     if(i == 1) {
>       DAT = fun(dat.i)
>     } else {
>       DAT = merge(DAT,fun(dat.i))
>     }
>     setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
>   }
>   close(pb)
>   colnames(DAT) = tickerNames
>   return(DAT)
> }
> parseTickData <- function(inputFile) {
>   DAT.list <- scan(file=inputFile,
> sep=",",skip=1,what=list(Date="",Time="",Close=0,Volume=0),quiet=T)
>   index <- as.POSIXct(paste(DAT.list$Date,DAT.list$Time),format="%m/%d/%Y
> %H:%M:%S")
>   DAT.xts <- xts(DAT.list$Close,index)
>   DAT.xts <- make.index.unique(DAT.xts)
>   return(DAT.xts)
> }
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