[Rd] Request to Replace Recordplot ,, replayplot

Jeroen Ooms jeroen.ooms at stat.ucla.edu
Thu May 1 21:57:12 CEST 2014

Hi Michael,

It is not needed to post this two days in a row on the same mailing
list. Also if you search the archives, you find several previous
discussions on this topic that might be helpful to develop a more
informed opinion on the topic.

In short: the problem is well known. Several people have argued for
the benefits of supporting (serializable) plot objects similar to
matlab figs, however apparently this is not trivial to implement. As
with most software, the challenging aspect is to maintain backward
compatibility so that it doesn't break everything that currently
relies on it.

Perhaps if you study the source code of the R graphics device to gain
better understanding of the problem, you can develop a proposal or
implement a proof of concept of how you think this could be realized.
That might provide a more constructive basis for discussion.

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Michael Cohen <mike1947 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Record plot which stores a plot to an internal R data structure and Replay
> Plot which
> replays the plot enables one to keep plots around and use them accross
> sessions at least until version 3.  If you cannot restore old plots and
> treat them as data and save accross sessions, there is little reason for
> recordPlot.  Either R needs to dispense with internal formats entirelly, a
> bad move in my opinion or revise the structure so that it can be read from
> a file and then replayed and augmented.  This internal facility, in some
> ways equivalent to the matlab fig is good to have around.  It would not be
> needed if one of the data formats already stored i.e. pdf ... etc. could be
> read in and used then as internal plot.  Your thoughts
>             --mike
> --
> Michael Cohen
> Work: 808 Commonwealth Avenue, Actuarial Sciences, Boston Mass
> Home: 25 Stearns Road #3 Brookline, MA
>  Ph:  1-857-389-3432(c) 1-617-758-5509(w) 617-734-8828(h) Fax: 617-353-7755
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