[R] paste

Giovanni Petris gpetris at definetti.uark.edu
Tue Sep 25 23:27:37 CEST 2001

Just a quick question:

I tried

> paste(sort(x),collapse="\; ")
[1] "1; 1; 3; 4; 4; 7; 12; 19; 23"
> paste(sort(x),collapse="\\; ")
[1] "1\\; 1\\; 3\\; 4\\; 4\\; 7\\; 12\\; 19\\; 23"

How can I get the following?

[1] "1\; 1\; 3\; 4\; 4\; 7\; 12\; 19\; 23"

Thank you,


[                                                  ]
[ Giovanni Petris                 GPetris at uark.edu ]
[ Department of Mathematical Sciences              ]
[ University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, AR 72701  ]
[ Ph: (501) 575-6324, 575-8630 (fax)               ]
[ http://definetti.uark.edu/~gpetris/              ]

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