[R] an object of class lm returned by lm?

Jill Caviglia-Harris JLCAVIGLIA-HARRIS at salisbury.edu
Sun Nov 16 01:41:29 CET 2003

Can someone tell me what an object of class lm returned by lm means?  I
assumed it mean the regression model - but I'm not sure how to enter
this in.  I have tried 


but this is not working.  I have also tried saving the regression
results and entering these, but again this is incorrect.  

This language is from the following:

lm.LMtests(model, listw, zero.policy=FALSE, test="LMerr", spChk=NULL)

model - an object of class lm returned by lm
listw - a listw object created for example by nb2listw, expected to be
row-standardised (W-style) 

Any help is welcomed.  Thanks.


Jill L. Caviglia-Harris, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Economics and Finance Department
Salisbury University
Salisbury, MD 21801-6860
   phone: (410) 548-5591
   fax: (410) 546-6208

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