[R] huge array with floats: allocation error

Christoph Lehmann christoph.lehmann at gmx.ch
Mon Aug 16 18:52:49 CEST 2004

Thank you, Prof. Ripley

> I don't believe you read the rw-FAQ as the posting guide asks, though.
> You seem to be working under Windows, without saying so (and the posting 
> guide does ask you to).  So that's `a couples of documents' worth
> `searching through'.
I apologize for not being more precise. Fact is:

 >>x <- rep(0, 64 * 64 * 16 * 1000)
 >>dim(x) <- c(64,64,16,1000)

indeed DOES work on (I tried it on several machines):
(i) Linux Suse9.1 box with 1G RAM
(ii) Windows WinXp with 1G RAM
(iii) Windows WinXp with 2G RAM

all with R Version 1.9.1


tst.array <- array(0, c(64, 64, 16, 1000))
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 512000 Kb

does not work on none of these machines/RAM combinations

why is this?

many thanks for a further hint. I am sure I overlooked something very 
basic- forgive me.


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