FW: [R] How do I insert a newline in my title in a plot?

Paul Lemmens P.Lemmens at nici.ru.nl
Thu Sep 16 15:21:18 CEST 2004

Hoi Christos,

--On donderdag 16 september 2004 16:00 +0300 Christos Rodopoulos 
<chrodopoulos at mindshare.gr> wrote:

> yes I have tries, and nothing. It just shows the strings with the slashn,
> just like i typed it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rashid Nassar [mailto:rnassar at duke.edu]
> Sent: ÐÝì?ôç, 16 Óå?ôåìâñßïõ 2004 15:44
> To: Christos Rodopoulos
> Subject: Re: [R] How do I insert a newline in my title in a plot?
> Have you not tried what you have already suggested:
>    title("this is a title\nIn 2 lines")
> ?
I've tried it out and you should use single quotes, then it'll work.

So it's an interpretation matter. Unfortunately I cannot figure out the 
help page dealing with this :-/

kind regards,

Paul Lemmens
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