[R] vectorization of a data-aggregation loop

Christoph Lehmann christoph.lehmann at gmx.ch
Tue Feb 1 23:28:56 CET 2005

I have a simple question:

the following data.frame

    id iwv type
1   1   1    a
2   1   2    b
3   1  11    b
4   1   5    a
5   1   6    c
6   2   4    c
7   2   3    c
8   2  10    a
9   3   6    b
10  3   9    a
11  3   8    b
12  3   7    c

shall be aggregated into the form:

   id t.a t.b t.c
1  1   6  13   6
6  2  10   0   7
9  3   9  14   7

means for each 'type' (a, b, c) a new column is introduced which
gets the sum of iwv for the respective observations 'id'

of course I can do this transformation/aggregation in a loop (see 
below), but is there a way to do this more efficiently, eg. in using 
tapply (or something similar)- since I have lot many rows?

thanks for a hint


# the loop-way
t <- data.frame(cbind(c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3), 
c(10,12,8,33,34,3,27,77,34,45,4,39), c('a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'c', 
'c', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'c')))
names(t) <- c("id", "iwv", "type")
t$iwv <- as.numeric(t$iwv)

# define the additional columns (type.a, type.b, type.c)
tt <- rep(0, nrow(t) * length(levels(t$type)))
dim(tt) <- c(nrow(t), length(levels(t$type)))
tt <- data.frame(tt)
dimnames(tt)[[2]] <- paste("t.", levels(t$type), sep = "")
t <- cbind(t, tt)

obs <- 0
obs.previous <- 0
row.elim <- rep(FALSE, nrow(t))
ta <- which((names(t) == "t.a")) #number of column which codes the first 
r.ctr <- 0
for (i in 1:nrow(t)){
   obs <- t[i,]$id
   if (obs == obs.previous) {
     row.elim[i] <- TRUE
     r.ctr <- r.ctr + 1 #increment
     type.col <- as.numeric(t[i,]$type)
     t[i - r.ctr, ta - 1 + type.col] <- t[i - r.ctr, ta - 1 +
       type.col] + t[i,]$iwv
   else {
     r.ctr <- 0 #record counter
     type.col <- as.numeric(t[i,]$type)
     t[i, ta - 1 + type.col] <- t[i,]$iwv
   obs.previous <- obs

t <- t[!row.elim,]
t <- subset(t, select = -c(iwv, type))


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