[R] Handling R Objects in C++

Àííà softblizzard at km.ru
Thu Feb 3 16:02:34 CET 2005


I want R to call some functions from my DLL, which is written on C++
using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. I've looked through "Writing R
extensions" manual and "FAQ for Windows". I achieved, that R can
call void functions without parameters from my C++ DLL.

Then I included R headers files to my DLL project, I was going to use
SEXP type:

#include "Rinternals.h"
#include "R.h"

And as a result, my DLL can't be compiled, the error is:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\math.h(514): error: this declaration may not have extern "C" linkage
  template<class _Ty> inline
Would you please give me a peice of advise how to handle this problem?

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