[R] bivariate empirical cdf

Christoph Buser buser at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Feb 18 15:16:17 CET 2005


I changed you function a little bit, so there is no more conflict
in the if condition:

mecdf<-function(u,v,z) {
  nb <- numeric(m)

  for(j in seq(1,m)) {
    for (i in seq(1,n)) {
      if (u[i]<z[j] & v[i]<z[j]) {

Attention: I didn't look in detail what you did so you sould
check my changes if it is really what you're looking for !!

Best regards, 


Christoph Buser <buser at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Seminar fuer Statistik, LEO C11
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology)	8092 Zurich	 SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-5414		fax: 632-1228

MEYFREDI Jean-Christophe writes:
 > Dear R users,
 > 	I'm trying to write a small function in order to compute empirical cumulative density function.All seems to work but when I try to plot the function, I always get error messages.
 > 	This is the function I use
 > 	mecdf<-function(u,v,z) {
 > 	u=sort(u)
 > 	v=sort(v)
 > 	n=length(u)
 > 	nb=0
 > 	for (i in seq(1,n)) {
 > 	if (u[i]<z & v[i]<z) {
 > 	nb<-nb+1
 > 	}
 > 	}
 > 	nb=nb/n
 > 	return(nb)
 > 	}
 > 	In fact if I try to obtain mecdf(u,v,0.1) or mecdf(u,v,0.2), all is good, but with mecdf(u,v,c(0.1,0.2)), for example, I get errors and wrong results for both mecdf(u,v,0.1) and mecdf(u,v,0.2). I think that it consitutes the key point of my plot difficulty. Can someone help me ?
 > 	Best regards
 > 	JCM
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