[R] chisq.test and anova problems

Richard Mendes mendes150 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 15:43:39 CEST 2005

we just started to use R and having some problems that no one in our
school could solve. I hope someone here can help me out.

the first problem is with the chisquare test. we want to exclude the
missing values from the data. we used na.omit and made two new

now we want to use the chi square method but get the error x and y
must have the same length.

how do i use the chisquare method were i exclude the missing values ?
and can i use this method if there is a difference in length.

the second problem is with anova in the data set we are working on we
have to use this method on multiple variables with a difference in
length, can this be done. this is the syntax we used and the error is
stated behind.

anova(lm(test~test1)) and the error states variable length differ.

i think there has to be a way to use this method on differences in
variable lengths does anybode know how to do this

thanks in advance for your help


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