problems with par and startup (was Re: [R] font sizes)

Uwe Ligges ligges at
Wed Mar 16 14:02:05 CET 2005

Adaikalavan Ramasamy wrote:

> Well, one way you can try is to define the different styles you want in
> your $HOME/.Rprofile file (see ?Startup). For example
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   library(graphics)
>   op   <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)               # store original par
>   par0 <- function(){ par(op) }                 # restore original par
>   par1 <- function(){ par(lty=1, pch = "X")   }
>   par2 <- function(){ par(col=2, cex.axis=0.1)}
>                     # kills the empty window spawned by par
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> A typical call might be 
> par1(); plot(1:5);  par0()
> par2(); plot(1:10); par0()
> It would be more useful to write this as a parser but I do not know how.
> BTW, why does calling par(), even with no.readonly=TRUE argument always
> insists on opening a graphics window when there is none present. This is
> a little bit annoying as the focus changes to the plotting window. Does
> anyone know how to turn this feature off ?

par() applies setting to the current device (or get from the current 
device). If no device has been opened and par() is called, a device is 
opened to get the settings from.

Uwe Ligges

> Regards, Adai
> On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 09:53 +0000, Simon.Bond wrote:
>>Having experimented with both a sun workstation and a PC, changing
>>pointsize within the PC does have the desired effect, but it does nothing
>>within the Sun.
>>Unforutnately, the PC won't let me load the workspace I want (which
>>I normally  access through the sun) due to `lazy loading' errors.
>>Thinking more generally, although I think the ability to fine tune R
>>graphics is excellent, even superlative, what I would find really useful
>>is means to load a whole load of graphical settings in one go; one setting
>>to look at on-screen, one setting for written reports, one setting for
>>slides. Can anyone suggest a good way of going about this.
>>thanks Simon
>>On Tue, 15 Mar 2005, Uwe Ligges wrote:
>>>Simon.Bond wrote:
>>>>I'm trying to use the pdf() function, and would like to increase the font
>>>>size for slide-presentation  purposes. Changing the
>>>>argument `pointsize' doesn't seem to do anything.
>>>>Anyone come across this or know what to do?
>>>It does, e.g. compare pointsize=8 / pointsize=14
>>>If you want something different, maybe setting argument "cex" (and
>>>friends) in par() does what you want. See ?par.
>>>Uwe Ligges
>>>>Simon Bond.
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