[R] pdf plotting of splom

Sebastian Luque spluque at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 05:52:32 CEST 2005


The following code produces a plot on X11:

splom(~iris[1:4], groups = Species, data = iris,
      panel = panel.superpose,
      key = list(title = "Three Varieties of Iris",
        columns = 3,
        points = list(pch = super.sym$pch[1:3],
          col = super.sym$col[1:3]),
        text = list(c("Setosa", "Versicolor", "Virginica"))))

However, when I try the same code in a pdf device (whether using 'print'
or not), produces a pdf file with only the layout of all the panels.  The
panels are completely empty.

pdf("splom-test.pdf", family = "Times", bg = "white")
print(splom(~iris[1:4], groups = Species, data = iris,
      panel = panel.superpose,
      key = list(title = "Three Varieties of Iris",
        columns = 3,
        points = list(pch = super.sym$pch[1:3],
          col = super.sym$col[1:3]),
        text = list(c("Setosa", "Versicolor", "Virginica")))))

Curiously, some points appear for a split second when opening the file,
but they seem to be replaced by white space immediately, hence the totally
empty panels.

Any pointers as to what might be going on?  I wasn't able to find possible
explanations on the documentation or the archives.

Thanks in advance,

Sebastian P. Luque

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