[R] newbie questions - looping through hierarchial datafille

Simon Blomberg blomsp at ozemail.com.au
Thu Oct 6 04:09:37 CEST 2005

Well I haven't seen any replies to this, so I have had a stab at the 
problem of getting the data into a data frame.

The approach I took was to break up the data into a list, and then fill in 
a matrix, row by row, "filling down" a la spreadsheet style when necessary, 
taking advantage of the ordering of the data. Then coercing to a 
data.frame. Maybe not a very portable/general solution, but it appears to work.

list.to.data.frame <- function () {
filecon <- file(file.choose()) # open a data file
dat <- strsplit(readLines(filecon, n=-1), split=" ") # read all the data 
into a list,
                                         # 1 line per element, each element is
                                         # a character vector of data 
(variable length)
resultvec <- matrix(rep(NA, 16), nrow=1) # results will be stored here

filldown <- function (x) {
# cluge to simulate fill-down of a vector, spreadsheet style
         if(all(is.na(x)) || all(!is.na(x))) x else {
         last <- min(which(is.na(x)))
         x[last:length(x)] <- x[last-1]

#loop through the data
for (vec in dat) {
         f <- switch(vec[1], # what kind of field are we dealing with?
                 "A" = c(vec[-1], rep(NA, 15)),
                 "X" = c(NA, vec[-1], rep(NA, 12)),
                 "P" = c(rep(NA,4), vec[-1], rep(NA, 8)),
                 "T" = c(rep(NA, 8), vec[-1], rep(NA, 6)),
                 "L" = c(rep(NA, 10), vec[-1], rep(NA, 3)),
                 "F" = c(rep(NA, 13), vec[-1]))
         if (any(is.na(resultvec[nrow(resultvec), which(!is.na(f))])))
         # slot the data into the appropriate column
         resultvec[nrow(resultvec),] <- 
ifelse(is.na(resultvec[nrow(resultvec),]), f,
         resultvec[nrow(resultvec),]) else
         # if the row is full, start a new one
         resultvec <- rbind(resultvec, f)
         # if we are at the end of a row, fill down and start a new row
         if (vec[1] == "F") resultvec <- rbind(apply(resultvec, 2, 
filldown), rep(NA, 16))

# coerce to a data frame, and get rid of the last empty row
res <- as.data.frame(resultvec[-nrow(resultvec),], row.names=NULL)
# set column names
names(res) <- c("Inventory", "Stratum_no", "Total", "Ye", "Plot_no", "age", 
"species", "tree_no", "frequency", "leader",  "diameter", "height", 
"finish_height", "feature")
#return the result



At 10:36 AM 4/10/2005, you wrote:
>Dear List,
>Im new to R - making a transition from SAS. I have a space delimited file
>with the following structure. Each line in the datafile is identified by
>the first letter.
>A = Inventory (Inventory)
>X = Stratum (Stratum_no Total Ye=year established)
>P = Plot (Plot_no age slope= species)
>T = Tree (tree_no frequency)
>L = Leader (leader diameter height)
>F = Feature (start_height finish_height feature)
>On each of these lines there are some 'line specific' variables (in
>brackets). The data is hierarchical in nature - A feature belongs to a
>leader, a leader belongs to a tree, a tree belongs to a plot, a plot
>belongs to a stratum, a stratum belongs to inventory. There are many
>features in a tree. Many trees in a plot etc.
>In SAS I would read in the data in a procedural way using first. and last.
>variables to work out where inventories/stratums/plots/trees  finished and
>started so I could create summary statistics for each of them. For
>example, how many plots in a stratum? How many trees in a plot? An example
>of the sas code I would (not checked for errors!!!). If anybody could give
>me some idea on what the right approach in R would be for a similar
>analysis it would be greatly appreciated.
>regards Andrew
>Data datafile;
>infile 'test.txt';
>input @1 tag $1. @@;
>retain inventory stratum plot tree leader;
>if tag = 'A' then input @3 inventory $.;
>if tag = 'X' then input @3 stratum_no $. total $. yearest $. ;
>if tag = 'P' then input @3 plot_no $. age $. slope $. species $;
>if tag = 'T' then input @3 tree_no $. frequency  ;
>if tag = 'L' then input @3 leader_no $ diameter  height  ;
>if tag = 'F' then input @3 start $ finish $ feature $;
>if tag = 'F' then output;
>proc sort data = datafile;
>by inventory stratum_no  plot_no  tree_no  leader_no;
>* calculate mean dbh in each plot
>data dbh
>set datafile;
>by inventory stratum_no  plot_no  tree_no leader_no
>if first.leader_no then output;
>proc summary data = diameter;
>by inventory stratum plot tree;
>var diameter;
>output out = mean mean=;
>X 1 10 YE=1985
>P 1 20.25 slope=14 SPP:P.RAD
>T 1 25
>L 0 28.5 21.3528
>F 0 21.3528 SFNSW_DIC:P
>F 21.3528 100 SFNSW_DIC:P
>T 2 25
>L 0 32 23.1
>F 0 6.5 SFNSW_DIC:A
>F 6.5 23.1 SFNSW_DIC:C
>F 23.1 100 SFNSW_DIC:C
>T 3 25
>L 0 39.5 22.2407
>F 0 4.7 SFNSW_DIC:A
>F 4.7 6.7 SFNSW_DIC:C
>P 2 20.25 slope=13 SPP:P.RAD
>T 1 25
>L 0 38 22.1474
>F 1 2.3 SFNSW_DIC:A
>T 1001 25
>L 0 38 22.1474
>F 1 2.3 SFNSW_DIC:A
>T 2 25
>L 0 32.5 21.7386
>F 2 3.3 SFNSW_DIC:G
>F 3.3 10.4 SFNSW_DIC:C
>X 2 10 YE=1985
>P 1 20.25 slope=14 SPP:P.RAD
>T 1 25
>L 0 28.5 21.3528
>F 0 21.3528 SFNSW_DIC:P
>F 21.3528 100 SFNSW_DIC:P
>T 2 25
>L 0 32 23.1
>F 0 6.5 SFNSW_DIC:A
>F 6.5 23.1 SFNSW_DIC:C
>F 23.1 100 SFNSW_DIC:C
>T 3 25
>L 0 39.5 22.2407
>F 0 4.7 SFNSW_DIC:A
>F 4.7 6.7 SFNSW_DIC:C
>P 2 20.25 slope=13 SPP:P.RAD
>T 1 25
>L 0 38 22.1474
>F 1 2.3 SFNSW_DIC:A
>T 1001 25
>L 0 38 22.1474
>F 1 2.3 SFNSW_DIC:A
>T 2 25
>L 0 32.5 21.7386
>F 2 3.3 SFNSW_DIC:G
>F 3.3 10.4 SFNSW_DIC:C
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Simon Blomberg, B.Sc.(Hons.), Ph.D, M.App.Stat.
Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200
T: +61 2 6125 7800 email: Simon.Blomberg_at_anu.edu.au
F: +61 2 6125 0757
CRICOS Provider # 00120C

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