[R] Evaluating a function with another function

Guenther, Cameron Cameron.Guenther at MyFWC.com
Thu Apr 6 22:53:51 CEST 2006

Hello all,
I hope someone can help me with this.

I have function that calculates two values based on input data.  A
simple example follows:

for(i in 0:length(rangit)){

And returns the following:

   rangit  y  p
1       0  2  3
2       1  3  4
3       2  4  5
4       3  5  6
5       4  6  7
6       5  7  8
7       6  8  9
8       7  9 10
9       8 10 11
10      9 11 12
11     10 12 13

Which is what I want.  The part I am having trouble with is that I want
to write another function that will evaluate the previous function at
multiple levels of x, where the levels of x may not always be the same

I have tried several options but so far have not been able to figure it

I tried:

	for (j in 1:length(x)){

But that returns a warning with no values.  I have also tried various
other methods with no success.

Basically what I want the output to look like is

Out[1]	Out[2]	Out[3]	Out[4]
Rangit y p	rangit y p	rangit y p	rangit y p
0      2 3  0      3 4  0      4 5  0      5 6
1      3 4  1      4 5  1      5 6  1      6 7  
2      4 5  2      5 6  2      6 7  2      7 8
3      . .  .      . .  .      . .  .      . . 
4      . .  .      . .  .      . .  .      . .
5      . .  .      . .  .      . .  .      . .
6      . .  .      . .  .      . .  .      . .
7      . .  .      . .  .      . .  .      . .
8      . .  .      . .  .      . .  .      . .
9      . .  .      . .  .      . .  .      . .
10     . .  .      . .  .      . .  .      . .

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Cameron Guenther, Ph.D. 
Associate Research Scientist
FWC/FWRI, Marine Fisheries Research
100 8th Avenue S.E.
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727)896-8626 Ext. 4305
cameron.guenther at myfwc.com

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