[R] I do not understand this

Peter Dalgaard p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Thu Dec 7 22:09:47 CET 2006

Tom Backer Johnsen wrote:
> A few days ago there was a thread on calling R from Delphi to which 
> there were several useful responses.  Now I responded as well, with 
> what I regard as a useful contribution.  Shortly after that, I was not 
> able to able to see the thread in my newsreader (Thunderbird). 
> Suddenly, yesterday I could see the thread again, and now it has 
> vanished, at least from my sight.
> Now.  Is there an error in my reader, or more likely, an error in my 
> use of the reader.  Or, has the thread been deleted for some reason. 
> I wonder ...
> Tom
How are you reading R-help?

Fundamentally, R-help is email based, so once a mail is sent, only the 
receiver is involved in where it gets (mis)filed.

If you are using a mail-to-news gateway like gmane, then there could be 
an issue with retention times. However, in the case of gmane, I doubt 
that would be the case because the thread is here:


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