[R] binomial lmer and fixed effects

Martin Henry H. Stevens hstevens at muohio.edu
Fri Jun 9 15:55:43 CEST 2006

Hi Folks,

I think I have searched exhaustively, including, of course R-help (D.  
Bates, S. Graves, and others) and but I remain uncertain about  
testing fixed effects with lmer(..., family=binomial).

I gather that mcmcsamp does not work with Do we rely exclusively on z  
values of model parameters, or could we use anova() with likelihood  
ratios, AIC and BIC, with (or without) method="ML" (with didn't seem  
right to me)?

I also received an error using adaptive Gaussian quadrature (but not  
Laplacian approximations):

 > mod2 <- lmer(yb ~ reg*nutrient*amd +
+             (1|rack) + (1|status) +
+             (1|popu) + (1|popu:amd) +
+             (1|gen) + (1|gen:nutrient) + (1|gen:amd) +
+              (1|gen:nutrient:amd),
+             data=datnm, family=binomial, method="AGQ")
Error in lmer(yb ~ reg * nutrient * amd + (1 | rack) + (1 | status) +  :
	method = "AGQ" not yet implemented for supernodal representation

I would really appreciate any and all thoughts or leads.

Hank Stevens

 > version
platform       powerpc-apple-darwin8.6.0
arch           powerpc
os             darwin8.6.0
system         powerpc, darwin8.6.0
major          2
minor          3.1
year           2006
month          06
day            01
svn rev        38247
language       R
version.string Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)

Dr. M. Hank H. Stevens, Assistant Professor
338 Pearson Hall
Botany Department
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056

Office: (513) 529-4206
Lab: (513) 529-4262
FAX: (513) 529-4243
"E Pluribus Unum"

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