[R] To improve my understanding of workspaces

Sean Davis sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Fri Mar 10 15:14:57 CET 2006


On 3/10/06 8:33 AM, "Duncan Murdoch" <murdoch at stats.uwo.ca> wrote:

> Other than Emacs, I use the same work habits as Adai.  An advantage of
> this workflow is that almost everything is stored in text format, so it
> is easy to compare different versions to see what has changed, and it
> works very well with version control (I use Subversion).
> The only thing I'd add to his recommendation is that you be sure to save
> the scripts that produced the objects in the binary images (his
> "lala.rda"), so that they can be reconstructed if necessary.  As long as
> the reconstruction isn't too difficult, this means I don't need to
> bother to save them in Subversion.

I would add a bit of detail here that I do.  ESS/xemacs allows one to create
a transcript file that you can then step through, executing each command as
it was originally executed.  I make one of these transcript files for each
project and save it with the data and any scripts that I have for the
project.  So, in the end, I have a set of Rda files, one or more transcript
files, and a Src directory that contains any function code (and ESS supports
saving scripts to this directory automatically).


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