[R] escape character to get " printed in output

Bos, Roger roger.bos at us.rothschild.com
Thu Nov 30 21:33:39 CET 2006

Gabor & Marc,

Yes, you are right.  Thanks for clarifying that for me.  I should have
tested it fully before hand.



-----Original Message-----
From: Gabor Grothendieck [mailto:ggrothendieck at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 3:12 PM
To: roger bos
Cc: RHelp
Subject: Re: [R] escape character to get " printed in output

It did work.  That's how print represents strings.


> cat("hello \"hello\" hello")
hello "hello" hello>
> strsplit("hello \"hello\" hello", "")[[1]]
 [1] "h"  "e"  "l"  "l"  "o"  " "  "\"" "h"  "e"  "l"  "l"  "o"  "\"" "
"  "h"
[16] "e"  "l"  "l"  "o"

On 11/30/06, roger bos <roger.bos at gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to use R to run dos commands (either by create batch files or 
> using shell())and I need to write double quotes on the file (or shell 
> command).  As an easier example, lets take:
> > print("hello 'hello' hello")
> [1] "hello 'hello' hello"
> Lets say instead of the above, I wanted:
> "hello "hello" hello"
> If possible, how would I do that?
> I understand that \ is an escape character, so I tried:
> > print("hello \"hello\" hello")
> [1] "hello \"hello\" hello"
> But that did not work.
> TIA, Roger
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