[R] mitools, multiple imputation

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Sun Oct 15 21:30:48 CEST 2006

On Sat, 14 Oct 2006, John Sorkin wrote:

> R 2.2.0
> windows XP
> I am beginning to explore the mitools package contributed by Thomas
> Lumley (thank you Thomas) and  I have a few questions:
> (1) In the examples given in the mitools documentation, the only family
> argument used is family=binomial. Does the package support
> family=gaussian and other link functions? I ran the with function with
> family=gaussian and I obtained results, but I am not sure if gaussian is
> supported by the package, so I don't know if I should trust the values I
> obtained.

Yes, it works with family="gaussian". It isn't even restricted to glm()s 
-- it works with anything that has coef() and vcov() methods

> (2) In the documentation, the smi dataset is used i.e. data(smi). Could
> someone tell me how I can print the data associated with smi?

I'm not sure you really want to do that: it is 5 x 12 x 1170

More useful might be str(smi) or with(smi, fun=head)

However, if you do want to, either
will work.


Thomas Lumley			Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu	University of Washington, Seattle

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