[R] Reading a file in R

Mesomeris, Spyros [CIR] spyros.mesomeris at citigroup.com
Tue Sep 19 13:04:42 CEST 2006

Thanks David,

It has actually worked, the problem was the formatting of the N/A values
in Excel. R apparently doesn't like to see #N/A that Excel produces if a
formula cannot be returned. So, saving the file as csv (comma delimited)
file and removing all the #N/A observations, leaving those cells empty,
and then uploading the file into R, works fine. 

I hope this is helpful for other users as well

Thanks again

-----Original Message-----
From: David Barron [mailto:mothsailor at googlemail.com] 
Sent: 19 September 2006 11:33
To: Mesomeris, Spyros [CIR]; r-help
Subject: Re: [R] Reading a file in R

I think that command should work (assuming that it is *comma* rather
than semi-colon delimited, which is used in countries where a comma is
used as a decimal point, in which case you should use read.csv2
instead).  So,  is your data definitely as clean as you think. Have you
looked at the data in a text editor?  What are the dimensions of the
resulting data frame?

On 19/09/06, Mesomeris, Spyros [CIR] <spyros.mesomeris at citigroup.com>
> Dear R helpers,
> I am trying to read a CSV file in R called EUROPE (originally an Excel

> file which I have saved as a CSV file) using the command
> EUROPEDATA <- read.csv("EUROPE.csv")
> EUROPE.csv is basically a matrix of dimension 440*44, and has a line 
> of headers, i.e. each column has a name.
> Using read.csv I can't load the data into R properly. Although the 
> first 20 columns or so are read in properly, some of the data from the

> remaining columns are missing, eg. For Column 29, the loaded file 
> cannot read the first 120 observations and puts NA in their place, 
> whereas the rest of the column is read in properly! I find this really
> I have tried to use read.table and scan commands as well, with the 
> header = T option, but still the problem is not solved. Please note 
> the columns are formatted in the same way, and contain numbers (apart 
> form the header row).
> Does anybody have any idea how I can read the data properly into R?
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David Barron
Said Business School
University of Oxford
Park End Street
Oxford OX1 1HP

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