[R] investigating interactions with mixed models

R. Baker rb373 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Feb 22 13:32:44 CET 2007

I'm investigating a number of dependent variables using mixed models, e.g.

data.lmer45 = lmer(ampStopB ~ (type + stress + MorD)^3 + (1|speaker) + 
(1|word), data=data)

The p-values for some of the 2-way and 3-way interactions are significant 
at a 0.05 level and I have been trying to find out how to understand the 
exact nature of the interactions. Does anyone know if it is possible to run 
post-hoc tests on mixed model (lmer) objects? I have read about TukeyHSD 
but it seems that this can only be run on anova (aov) objects.

Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated!

Rachel Baker

PhD student                
Dept of Linguistics        
Sidgwick Avenue
University of Cambridge              

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